Our program for high school-age youth provides opportunities for teens to connect, learn and grow as spiritual and human beings.

Through Sunday-morning sessions and regional retreats and rallies, teens have an opportunity to express the spiritually abundant life as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, the Christ.

Y.O.U.’s purpose:

  • To introduce teens to Unity principles.
  • To help teens understand and practice these principles in everyday life.
  • To involve teens in prayer and meditation experiences.
  • To promote the ideal of individuals working together and enjoying fellowship, worship, study and service.

Some functions of the Y.O.U. chapter are to:

  • Provide a weekly opportunity to explore a concept in Truth.
  • Provide an environment of security and safety for the sharing and exploration of feelings.
  • Create an atmosphere of total acceptance to help young people establish their own identity, self-worth and confidence, and a feeling of “belonging.”
  • Help young people explore and seek a set of values for themselves.
  • Help students define their own purposes for living and develop a method of finding answers to life’s complexities.
  • Help students develop a sense of interdependence through working together in a supportive, non-critical environment.
  • Introduce new ways of communicating with self and others based on the principles of affirmation, denials and beholding the Christ in all people and situations.
  • Expose the YOUers to their own personal power through creative self-expression and service activities.

The International Youth of Unity (YOU) gathered at Unity Village, Missouri in July 2013, and a group made this video, which interpreted Unity’s teachings in a clever, unique way.