We have many opportunities in our spiritual community to become involved. Serving is a wonderful way to get connected, make new friends, give of yourself, become part of something larger than yourself, and grow spiritually through service.

While a few ministry teams require Unity membership or special training, most are open to anyone who wants to get involved. For more information about any of the opportunities listed below, please contact us.


Monitors sound and visual equipment during our Sunday morning service


Volunteers handle special orders and sales and rentals of inspiring gifts, books, magazines and music at Awesome Books!


Welcomes all and answers questions about activities and locations. Helps newcomers feel at home.

Prayer Chaplains

Prayer Chaplains provide prayer, comfort and support to our congregation. Chaplains must be members of our Unity community, undergo special training, and make a one-year commitment to serve.

Energy Healers

Our energy healing practitioners are trained and experienced in Reiki and other energy healing arts and offer individualized spiritual healing through touch and near-touch in the Peace Prayer Chapel each Sunday after the regular Church Service.

Youth & Family Ministry

Our volunteers teach spiritual development principles in a loving atmosphere to youth from age 0 through grade 12. Learn more.